Sunday, January 9, 2011

Back amongst it.

I officially have one full day left in New Zealand. Slightly scary when I take the time to think about it. When I left for Sydney six weeks before Christmas, I knew I'd be back for Christmas and New Years, I had that safety net. It was slightly nerve-wracking moving out of home and into another country at the same time, uncertain of work and general life there.

It's safe to say that now I've been there, I really didn't have anything to worry about. I've met so many awesome people and already have many, many memories. What I'm conscious about this time around is how much I'll miss New Zealand - my friends, family, and the fact I will likely be away for a couple of years, much of which will consist of travelling around the world (damn awesome I know, but a long way from home).

I spent the first week and a half back in New Zealand feeling somewhat irritated at being back. The nagging from the parents, the familiar stale feeling of home and the lack of money. I couldn't wait to go back to somewhere which was full of new experiences, new people and more money. Then I slowly realised how awesome New Zealand is. It is far, far, far more beautiful than Australia, the people are friendlier (not to say Australians aren't, we're just better, as per usual). On the drive home from New Years in Gisborne, complimented by the sounds of Shapeshifter, it really came clear how much I'll miss my friends. By far the best New Years I've ever had. Add together an awesome group of people, awesome music, weather, some Ranfurly Staffs and Scrumpyhands and you have yourself a very solid recipe of 'f**king epic bro'. I'll remember it for a long, long time.

I thought about making resolutions... briefly. I came to the conclusion that I don't need to, the joy of what I'm doing is that I can do what I want, do it freely and do it at my own pace. The only hard part is deciding where to go and when. Even this I've decided to put on hold. I'll save the money and when the time comes, I'll have plenty of options open to me. One country has been confirmed for my plans. Japan in July. I will save enough and I will be there, none of this 'if' bollocks.

I've sold nearly all of my belongings now, most of what is left has been packed away into my bag and ready to board a plane. I will officially be living out of my bag and I welcome that with open arms. Living simply and freely, yes please.

I'll be looking at buying a netbook shortly so I can manage my photos and draft blogs so I can keep in touch with friends and family... and maybe throw on a game or too.

Will miss my family and friends very much but I'll be back!

Now the real adventure begins! First stop: Sydney.
