Sunday, November 14, 2010

Harvest time

I'm making my second post from an Apple store in central Sydney. It's awesome. I also miss my macbook terribly. It's a rather odd atmosphere; thousands and thousands of dollars worth of Apple goods in a upmarket multi-floor building, with everybody blatantly here for the free internet. Can't complain really.

Anywho, moving along. Our original plan was to move to Sydney for six weeks to do some labouring, hopefully save a bit of money and generally get a feel for the place, with a side of sight-seeing.

Last Thursday we sat our Green Card's - a 6 hour session of being taught the basics of working in construction. Upon our 40 minute lunch break with our new Scottish friend Ewen, a cotton farmer overheard us discussing the rules of tax returns for Holiday Visas. What followed was effectively a potential offer for three months of cotton harvesting in Queensland. 12-15 hour days, extremely physical work and in the heat. However, 11-12kAU in pocket (after tax I might add) is definitely worth it.

We have now realised that we can do the same sort of work, but less intensively, in these coming weeks to Christmas. Who knows, perhaps we'll be picking Pears in Queensland or sorting through Strawberries (gawwwwwd yes) in NSW. No idea. Or perhaps writing another blog and talking tripe.

Today has been good so far  :D, should probably get off this macbook now as a salesperson has now approached me. To the museum I go.


  1. "I also miss my macbook terribly." Told you that you'd regret selling it!

  2. Hahah, well when you're in a huge Apple store, it's hard not to miss your previous Apple goods. So wanted to get a Macbook Pro.

    Ah well.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Guessing that was you Antonius or perhaps Ben, you tards.

